Page name: Anime Fantasy [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-01-21 07:49:54
Last author: *Sakura-chan*
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Anime Fantasy

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2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "Then I guess its hight time someone puts this spirt to rest"

2007-11-04 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:"I guess I must get my hands dirty for you people." he said jumping down from his spot in the tree.

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "well then I guess I don't have to fight a losing battle now?"

2007-11-04 [Koho Ai]: Akiran: "I guess not unless you want to." He said sneering evily.

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: what should we do with that fire girl?!
Akari: hu? *looks at Akiran* who are you?

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "It doesn't matter to me, one way or another I would find a way to win"

2007-11-04 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:*laughs* "You won't win I see your future if you fight." He brings out and orb and throws it to the ground."Akisha my sister come to me." he says as a figure appears.

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Nakime: "Akiran! You should join me and wipping out these weeklings..."

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "something vary bad is going to happen"

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "I am the only one that can fight her and she knows it...adn Aledor...if Akiran joins her...wipe him out quickly..." *walks toward Nakime*

2007-11-04 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:"Use your seals sister."

Akisha:*laughs and kisses her brothers cheek* "Anything for you baby brother." She said moving at high speed quickly drawing a seal of release.

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: *hides behind Belius*

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: i think we should team up!!!!!
Akari: Yumi's right!

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *watches with a curious look*

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "Belius...take river and go for a while..." *smiles as Belius leaves* "now that my only restriction is gone...I can fight you all at full strengh..."

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "go where?"

2007-11-04 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:"Don't underestimate my sister's power Demitri and I have no intention of joining none of you but I have been informed of a deal that was made by my ancestors to guard someone who needs to stay alive."

Akisha:*starts chanting release chant to send spirit to the netherworld*

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Belius: "Any where away from here...when I am near his powers are restricted by my angelic magic..."

Demitri: "pentagon seal....release..." *seal marks glow all over his body and dissapear and he starts crackling with energy*

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "okay, lets go"

2007-11-04 [Koho Ai]: AKiran*Shrugs*

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: " the same..release your seals.." *turns to Akiran walking forward slowly*

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "Belius, shouldn't we be going?"

2007-11-04 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:*holds out fifteen orbs* Do you wish to meet the elders Dimetri I bet they would wonder why you are alive and maybe even kill you instantly if they feel the need to."

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Belius: "We are already nearly a mile away....didn't you notice the energy increase in him.."

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: Cyclone join us!
Akari: ok then lets beat her up

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "no"

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Ymui: what!?
akari: what did you say River?! *gets into her face*

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: O.O

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "You must leave!"

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "Aledor..Belius and Cyclone can protect them...I need your help!"

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "Belius, why did you want me to come with you?"

2007-11-04 [Koho Ai]: AKiran:*inserts the fifteen orbs into his chest and purple seals appear on his body while he moves his hands in motion and they poof instantly and an enormous dormant power is released onto the world*

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Belius: "So I could protect you..."

Demitri: "You still can't hurt me no matter how strong you become.."

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "do you like me?"

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: *smiles blushing brightly* "Y..eah..."

2007-11-05 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:*laughs* I'm not going to hurt she is." he said pointing toward Akisha."I'm just going to distract you for awhile and raise hell upon this world."

(This is not the Akiran you know this is the insane psychopathic one)

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *blushes* "i like you too"

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "It matters not...neither of you can hurt me..." *thick shadows ingulf everything around turning it to perpetual night* "now you can't even see me.."

2007-11-05 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "I hope this works"

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *hugs Belius*

2007-11-05 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *keeps his sword ready* "Where is she?"

2007-11-05 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:*laughs* "I see you perfectly well your entire future is open to change this fight isn't supposed to happen yet but lets make it fun shall we." He said.

2007-11-05 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "So you wanna play in the dark, well then" *Sits and starts to meditate*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "I am the shadows surrounding you if you haven't noticed by now.." *energy pulsates from shadows sending powerful waves into the center slicing into everything they touch*

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "Belius?"

2007-11-05 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "Thats IT!!!" *Stands up as he feels his body geting cut and jumps into the air*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: "Yes...I'm's just that large shadow orb over there...thats one of my brothers attacks when he is trying to hold back.."

Demitri: "Those pulses won't hurt you if you have no malice in your heart.."

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "oh" *shivers*

2007-11-05 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *Remains in the air from jumping franticly scaning for a weakness*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Demitri: *teleports Cyclone out* "Just watch the others*

Belius: "Yeah...just emagine what would happen if he didn't hold back..."

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "that would be bad, right? im cold"

2007-11-05 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "But I can't just watch them....."

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: "Yeah and think you were going to fight him.."

Demitri: "Just go...they can't hurt me anyway.."

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "Demitri, how do I help?"

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "im confused"

2007-11-05 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "I am staying here on the incase"

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: "Um the voices were not just misplaced voices of fellow living creatures."

2007-11-05 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "What are their chances for survival?"

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: "Well it is actually about even the moon can play either in their favor or against them."

2007-11-05 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "hmmm.... I hope they will come back safe"

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: "I suppose that's all one can do..but I am new here..and I am beginning to feel like that maybe I should go away then."

2007-11-05 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "Why? we might need to help some way..."

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *shrugs* I don't see how I can be of help. I only hold information through the earth.

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "Aledor...release your seals as well...we will overwhelm them...we are after all the only two ancient dieties left in this world..."

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "i can't stand not fighting in that battle"

2007-11-05 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *Watches in wonder..*

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *hums a small lullaby it was a tragic one* Clasing forces but it doesn't seem to bring many answers only more questions.

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: "You would be caught in the cross fire...Demitri and Aledor are basically gods...but they almost never release there full strengh. Even though his seals are released...he won't attack with his all...because he would destroy everything and everyone.."

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "River, leave." *zones in on Akiran and Akisha*

2007-11-05 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "Looks and wonders what will happen...*

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: *looks at Cyclone* "Stop thinking!"

2007-11-05 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "Why? I was told to stay out of it so I can do is think and wait the out come..."

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "I said to go and guard the others!" *teleports Cyclone farther*

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: * looks at Cyclone* "Does this happen to you often?"

2007-11-05 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "I won't let you down" *Pulls out my sword and gets ready for anything*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: *appears beside Cyclone with river his sword drawn* "Don't one seems to be coming this way.."

Demitri: "Everyone is it so we can finish them.."

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *hears some whispers and closes her eyes*

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "Yes."

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "i want to fight"

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "No."

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "Aledor...are you finally ready yet..."

Belius: "Please don't...they are both going to be would be destroyed by there magic.."

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "please"

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *Opens her eyes and wishes for the wind to send Aledor.* Be careful with what you attack it can make all the difference. Beware of the red eye.

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "I'm breaking this is blocking comunication from the others.." *shadows break down leaving the five of them in a barren plain now*

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "let me fight"

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: *lends water to field of shadows* "NO THINKING!!"

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "Some one is trying to communicate with you.."

Belius: "I won't stop you....but they will..."

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: "I hope she didn't not have too much a tantrum to know what I sent." *sighs*

2007-11-05 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "I want to fight to! But My job is to say here and protect the others...."

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "what would you do if i died?"

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: "That's why i don't want you to go..."

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "you dont act like it"

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: "Well then you are helping the fight. Its just not action. Of course I should not be included in the protection really. I am just a wonderer."

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "If they think, they will die."

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: "I don't want you to get hurt...thats the whole reason why I braught you with me in the first it so hard to believe I actually care about you.."

2007-11-05 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone:"What to do...." *looks off to the distance*

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *starts to cry*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: "Don't cry.." *pulls her in hugging tightly* "I didn't mean to upset you.."

Demitri: "Just hurry up with what you are planning Aledor..that way you don't drag it out.."

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *places a comforting hand on Cyclones shoulder* "Lets just try to keep the spirts up." *She takes a breath and sings* "When ther is no moon out and the sky looks really dark. We can not just give way into the night. We need to fight because we need to stand in the way. Have faith that all will be right."

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "it just one has ever ...cared about me before"

2007-11-05 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone:*looks at River for moment and then looks back in the distance* "I might as well go and fight... no one will miss me..."

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: "Well you have someone now.." *smiles*

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *hugs Belius tight*

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: *Scoffs and presses in the water against Akisha* "Demitri, I need you to press in your shadow to hold in my water."

2007-11-05 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *looks at Belius and smiles* "I see...."

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: "How do you know? You are the only one who has talked to me besides Aledor. So how about a friend?" *she turns away once she notices he has not listened to a word*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "I will do you one better.." *presses wit hshadow and light energy against Akisha*

2007-11-05 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "No one knows what has happened to me do they..."

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "Well, I guess that would work, would it not?" *Slowly fills void with water*

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: "What did happen if you don't mind me asking?" *she asks in a whisper and is so tempted to think as tears form in her eyes.*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: "The only ones that knew each other before hand were Demitri and one really knows anything about anyone else.."

Demitri: "It gets better.." *shadow lances and Light spears began forming with in the void*

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *looks into Belius's eyes and smiles*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: *stares down at River smiling slightly*

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *looks away and blushes*

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: *Slowly fills up at a faster rate.*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "well should we go ahead and end this little charade.."

Belius: *tilts River's head to face him again and kisses her softly*

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *kisses Belius back*

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "Yes." *fills up the last of the void in less than a second.*

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *just feels the cold isolation again so she walks away* "I suppose I am really more of a burden then I orginally thought."

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Demitri: *smiles as shadow and light energy peirce through th being from all directions* "well...even if that didn't kill her....she would be too wounded to continue the fight..."

Belius: "You know...I think I am going to like this..." *smiles*

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *smiles and kisses Belius*

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *stops in her tracks at that boast* "Alendor must you suffer alone? Can I not be useful if only for one time?"

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: *returns the kiss passionately*

Demitri: "She will have me for all eternity again...and any ally is useful at one time or another..."

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: "So what is that suppose to be comfort or a boast Mr. Demitri?"

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *wraps arms around neck and kisses back softly*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "Take it how you wish...its just words of wisdom from an old man..."

Belius: *pulls away breathing heavily and smiling*

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *smiles* "never leave me?"

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: "As long as I'm alive...." *smiles widely*

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: "How do I know if that advice is ment for someone else or not? Perhaps I am just an undereducated elf who just doesn't have the same capablity sir. At least Alendor has powerful allies so... I am not needed."

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *smiles and hugs Belius*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "That advice is for anyone will mean the same to anyone here.."

2007-11-05 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "I see..."

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *feels really secptical but respects Demitri's advice* "I am not sure if I understand it really or quite believe it but...I respect your advice old wise one."

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "Call me by my name please...I don't like being called old...even though I am.." *laughs slightly pulling Aledor closer to him as well*

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *shivers* "im cold"

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *shakes her head* "I have not earned any privliages sir. However I will refrain from calling you old."

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: *takes his jacket off draping it over River's shoulders* "Is that better?"

Demitri: "Then don't think of it as a privilage....think of it as an order.."

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *raises her head* "How can it be an order if I am not accepted in the group?"

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *nods* "Thank you" *cuddles*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "Who said you weren't accepted.."

Belius: "Your welcome.." *smiled hugging her tightly*

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki:*fumes* "No one made the statment. You are welcomed Kiki.So don't play the double standard with me Demitri."*She grumbles at the realization she just used his name*

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *blushes*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "No one may have said you could come but I don't remember any one saying you can't.." *turns to Aledor* "Have you heard anyone say that?"

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "i love you, Belius"

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: *smiles* "I love you too..."

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *is distracted by the scene of love but tear trickle from her eyes as she remembers a love that she had, that ran from her but the matter brings her back to earth.* "Oh just don't worry about it..the fact is I am not considered and enemy or an ally right now."

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "Believe what you wish...I don't really care one way or the other...but if you recall I said that you were an ally in my little comment earlier.." *walks off with Aledor*

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *shakes her head in confusion* "Oh nothing make sense right now. I suppose Demitri has a point but then again he is happy with his love so, I won't bother him." *Just walks near water and reflects on the love that was so wonderful but at the same time made her bitter*

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *kisses Belius softly*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: *returns the kiss happily pulling her closer to him still*

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *kisses back, running fingers through hair*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: *smiles as he places his hand behind her neck softly*

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *looks away and blushes*

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *stops reflecting and smiles at the couple* Must be nice to have someone to actually care and not run when they know what you are. *looks up wistfully at the moon*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: "Why are you still so why?"

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "huh?"

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: "You looked away and you are still blushing.."

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "Its just that your so cute"

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: *blushes slightly* "well thank are beautiful yourself.."

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *blushes* "no one has ever said that to me"

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: "Its a shame too.."

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *blushes*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: *smiles* "So are you ready to leave as well?"

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "and go where?"

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: "With the others of looks as if Demitri and Aledor are finished.."

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "ill go as long as your with me"

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: "Good.." *smiles*

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *smiles*

2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *smiles but just looks at her reflection in the water* Well you may not be a beauty but you have enough sense

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: *smiles more kissing her forehead* "lets go on back.."

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *blushes* "okay"

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: *smiles and walks back toward the others* "so what did Aledor mean when she said you killed whoever that displeased you or whatever?"

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *starts walking* "i use to think that violence was the answer to everything...until now" *looks into Belius's eyes*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: "I was the same...I killed as I wanted and who I wanted.."

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "really?" *holds Belius's hand*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: "Yeah really...until I messed up and challenged Demitri. You do know we aren't blood brothers...he just calls me his brother.." *takes Rivers nand smiling*

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "why?" *looks confused*

2007-11-05 [*Sakura-chan*]: Akari: can you stop with your fucking kisses and help us out here!!!!!!!
Yumi: *uses her magical powers with the demon but angrily*

2007-11-05 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone:"What has been going on, I missed somthing didn't I?"

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *looks at Akari* "huh?"

2007-11-05 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "What is going on with the fight?"

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: "Demitri and Aledor can handle everything if we stay out of there way..."

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "okay" *hugs Belius*

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: (oh, hell)

2007-11-05 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "I hope they can handle things..."

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: (Someone tell me what i missed please)

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: (belius and river are together nothin has happened with akiran and akisha and demitri and Aledor are still together lol)

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: (No shit, dumbass.)

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *smiles at Belius*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: (then what do you wanna know ><;;)

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: (Did I miss anything??)

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: (not really)

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: (fine.)

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: (just a littke bickering between demitri and that kiki chick lol thats all that happened while you were gone ^^)

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: (Thanks for not doing anything important ^.^)

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: (lol np^^)

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: (So both of your characters are with someone?)

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: (yep lol)

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: (and how do you feel about that?)

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: (huh??? what do you mean?)

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